Public booking opens on Monday 10 March and Friends Priority Booking opens on Monday 24 February  |  Become a Festival Friend

Trios Traditional and Experimental

Sunday 01 June 2025 16:00 - 17:00

Event No: 36

Trumpet, tuba and voice from young stars with local roots

Venue: Muker, St Mary's Church

Tickets are not due to go on sale until 10/03/2025.



Rising stars with local roots present an inventive selection of music for trumpet, tuba, and voice. Handel and Bach rub shoulders with Lunsqui and David Cope in this delightful programme devised and performed by siblings Stan and Nona Lawrence with Kwankaew Ruangtrakool.

Adult £16; Under 25 £3

Generously supported by Hilary Disney

The trio will be performing in two local schools this week, as part of Swaledale Festival’s Community and Education Programme.
